Building a Global Anti-Racist Movement
In October 2022,
We coordinated a panel discussion called Building a Global Anti-racist Movement, with proceeds benefiting The Social Justice Agency in South Africa and Center For Healing and Liberation. Anti-racism movements around the world operate in different cultures and contexts, yet there is fundamental common ground in the work of liberation. We brought together an international panel of racial justice leaders to ask: Living in this body, this place, this moment, how do we cultivate healing and resilience, meet the immense challenges of our time, and grow the anti-racist movement locally and globally? Facilitated by Center For Healing and Liberation Director Victoria Santos, panelists included leading voices in the profound conversation around racial justice in our time and for future generations: Resmaa Menakem, Nova Reid, Dr. Robin DiAngelo, Leticia Nieto, Esther A. Armah, and Edwin Cleophas.